4 out of 7 casinos in Guadalajara Mexico keep sanitary protocols

Nenad Bukva August 17, 2020

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4 out of 7 casinos in Guadalajara Mexico keep sanitary protocols

In Guadalajara Mexico, the three remaining casinos must fix observations in order to restart operations

As part of?Mexico’s?measures and processes to reopen its casinos, the Inspection and Surveillance Department of the government of Guadalajara Mexico has been inspecting casinos to make sure all protocols are being obeyed.

The inspection process is being carried out in order to comply with the necessary sanitary measures to prevent the contagion of its customers.

Out of seven casinos inspected on?Thursday, August 13, four were deemed fit, while the rest must fix observations in order to restart operations. The measures necessary?include sanitation of mats, a minimum distance of 1.5 between the machines of the casino, the use of masks, a maximum occupancy of 150 people, and constant?sanitation?of terminals and installations.?

Guadalajara Mexico casinoOn August 12, the head of the cabinet, Erik Tapia Ibarra, said ‘There are some (casinos) that still have details that we are working on,?we are going to regularise their situation from today until tomorrow (…) We are going to be generating daily operations from the morning until 12 at night so that they are randomly supervised, which is why we invite all citizens to make their report through social networks or the media if they detect any anomaly?(…)?

‘There are special conditions that are being requested to the casino guild, one of them is to restrict their schedule from ten in the morning to 12 at night, besides not being able to smoke in any of the areas of the casinos; these determinations are made to be able to generate health schemes so that the air is being generated in a natural way with air from outside the casinos and not only be using the recycled air of the air conditioning,’.?


If the protocols and measures necessary to adapt the installations of the unfit casinos take place, supervised by?Ismael del Toro, the municipal president of Guadalajara, the?three remaining?casinos will have the possibility of resuming activities.


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