伊利诺伊州彩票通过刮刮乐彩票又创造了一位百万富翁 在伊利诺伊州,出现了一个暖心的从贫困到富有的故事。来自伊利诺伊州富兰克林公园的五个孩子的母亲、十个孙辈的祖母Pamela Arscott赢得了一张即时刮刮乐彩票的一百万美元(92.58万欧元)大奖。
即时中奖:80岁老人在密歇根即时游戏中赢得30万美元 密歇根再次迎来其《Top Secret Cashword》即时游戏的幸运赢家,一位80岁的男士带走了30万美元(279,150欧元)大奖,令人瞩目。
澳大利亚禁止使用信用卡和加密货币进行网上博彩,以应对金融风险 澳大利亚政府目前禁止使用信用卡和数字货币进行网上博彩,以防止人们使用他们并不拥有的钱进行博彩。新限制涵盖与数字钱包绑定的信用卡、比特币等加密货币以及其他新兴的信用形式。该规定使网上博彩规则与实体赌场的博彩规则保持一致,但网上彩票仍未受到影响,依然允许使用信用卡支付。
欧盟最终确定新的反洗钱规则,简化运营商合规流程 The European Council has approved the EU’s new AML package, easing compliance for operators. The EGBA has welcomed the new AML rules.
瑞典博彩管理局支持信用赌博禁令,寻求澄清 The Swedish Gambling Authority supports a credit gambling ban, requests clear impact analysis on charitable lotteries, and seeks precise scope definition.
CryptoGames Casino通过与Polygon的集成提升用户体验 CryptoGames, a prominent online cryptocurrency casino, has recently integrated Polygon (MATIC) into its platform. This strategic move is designed to significantly enhance the user experience by leveraging Polygon’s advanced blockchain technology, which offers faster transactions and reduced costs. Polygon (MATIC): A Game-Changer for CryptoGames
重大发展揭开了ZKasino加密货币诈骗的面纱 Dutch authorities have apprehended a suspect linked to the ZKasino scam. The arrest was made on April 29, with the suspect, a 26-year-old man, facing charges of fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering.
重大发展揭开了ZKasino加密货币诈骗的面纱 Dutch authorities have apprehended a suspect linked to the ZKasino scam. The arrest was made on April 29, with the suspect, a 26-year-old man, facing charges of fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering.